Empress Baddie: Worlds First Author

Step right up, history BFFs! Today, we're diving headfirst into the ancient Mesopotamian saga of Enheduanna, a woman who defied the odds, battled patriarchal nonsense, and penned the very first poem in recorded history. But hold onto your clay tablets, because this story's got more twists and turns than a Sumerian soap opera!

Picture it: ancient Mesopotamia, where clay tablets were all the rage, and 'emojis' meant chiseling tiny pictures into your communication medium of choice. Enter Enheduanna, daughter of the big boss man, Sargon of Akkad Emperor of the first Empire. While others were busy tallying sheep and wheat stocks, Enheduanna had bigger plans – like, let's revolutionize literature, shall we?

Enheduanna wasn't content with just being daddy's little princess. Oh no, she had moon gods to appease and cultures to unite! But, of course, every heroine needs a villain, and in swoops Lugal-Ane, the ex-ruler with a serious case of throne envy. Banished from her temple and stripped of her powers, Enheduanna's like, "Hold my stylus," and unleashes the very first poetic clapback in history!

Fast forward to 1927, when archaeologists finally unearth tangible proof of Enheduanna's existence. But, because no story worth its salt is complete without a bit of drama, cue the skeptics, the naysayers, and the dudes who think a woman couldn't possibly have written something so epic. But fear not, dear one, for our heroine's legacy prevails, standing as a testament to the power of perseverance and a killer poetry game.

So what are you waiting for!? Tune into the episode to hear the whole epic tale!


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